May 27, 2020

Empoderamiento feminista y activismo antirracista a través del arte: Conoce a Monteserrat Anguiano

Montserrat Anguiano es una artista hecha a medida para las generaciones afrodescendientes en España que consigue a través de la pintura dar visibilidad a la mujer negra, que alcanza el equilibrio perfecto entre arte e identidad, y que fusiona a la perfección la lucha por la normalización de la diversidad con la belleza de sus […]

Empoderamiento feminista y activismo antirracista a través del arte: Conoce a Monteserrat Anguiano Read More »


Feminist empowerment and anti-racism activism through art: Meet Monserrat Anguiano

Montserrat Anguiano is an artist tailor-made for the Afro-descendant generations in Spain. She gives visibility to black women through her painting, achieving the perfect balance between art and identity, and advances the fight for diversity through the beauty of her works. With the launch of her online store, it is now possible to acquire her

Feminist empowerment and anti-racism activism through art: Meet Monserrat Anguiano Read More »

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